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Baby Rock and Roll

Baby Rock & Roll is a music & movement  class which focuses on early language and communication skills through the use of puppets, props and exciting Sensory experiences

This class is a blend of  baby  exercises & Baby yoga to  help strengthen babies muscles, aiding coordination, balance, special and body awareness  and it  also includes  some beautiful relaxation and bonding time for you too

Brain gym exercises are used  together with music and instruments to stimulate your babies brain and focus on early  learning & development for baby.

Signing is incorporated  into a selection of our songs which is a wonderful new skill for you and your baby to embrace together & can help with communication as your baby grows

Mummy & Baby dancing to feel good music is always  encouraged to strengthen the bond between you, enabling you to make memories and flourish together

This class is the perfect class to meet new friends with the opportunity to explore, dance and have fun together.

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