Tel 07538724932 Email: vicky@kidsology.co.uk

Get to Know Me
and My Approach

"A mother's heart is full of love, hope & faith. She radiates inner strength she never dreamed possible until she births her precious baby.'"
Vicky Mather-Willis

Vicky Mather -Willis
Baby Massage and Sensory Expert
I'm Vicky, mum to 2 boys, step mum to 2 girls, wife & chief dog walker!
I'm the founder of Kidsology which has been empowering & nurturing parents with love since 2011 & I am blessed to have taught thousands of families & made many friends along the way.
I'm a Baby Massage, Baby Yoga & Sensory Teacher, Sleep Settle & Soothe Consultant & Colic Expert.
Becoming a parent is the most scary yet exhilarating feeling in the world.
I remember feeling overwhelmed yet excited at the prospect at becoming a mummy, but where to start?
Nothing can ever prepare you for parenthood which is simply life changing, let me hold you and support you on the most wonderful (I'm going to be honest) sometimes challenging journey of a lifetime!
In my case I didn't have the easiest start as both of my sons were born prematurely at 33 and 34 weeks respectively. They spent weeks in Neonatal & as soon as I was able I embraced skin to skin & touch relaxation using kangaroo care & gentle massage stokes. This helped to strengthen the bond between us.
Nurturing & loving my babies in any way possible gave me a sense of worth & helped me to bond with my baby & made me feel more confident as a parent. It was at that point that my love & passion for Baby Massage began.
Sometimes bonding isn’t instant, it is a natural progression and it can take time for you and your baby to fall in love, to connect & flourish together.
My classes are baby led, informal, friendly & help with this natural progression of love.
Baby Massage, Baby Yoga & Sensory activities encourages & supports your baby's early learning and development. Our classes allow your little one to use all his senses, boosting circulation to the muscles so he is able to grow stronger which provides stimulation to the nervous system which enables neuro connections between body and brain.
In 2020 I curated and published a book
'Miracles & Shining Stars' which is a collection of poetic voices and words from the heart from families and professionals with experiences in NICU.
Miracles & Shining Stars is available to purchase on Amazon and all proceeds of the book go to Bliss UK & Sands UK.
Furthermore I am a co - author of "Motherlight" published during the COVID 19 pandemic by Blossom & Berry.
This book is available on Amazon with all proceeds donated to Love Support Unite.

Health & Wellbeing
Community is at the heart of everything I do, join one of my classes and meet your mummy tribe who will support & empower you on your parenting journey both virtually and in class too!
Maternal mental health is as important as infant mental health, mothers need to feel nurtured, loved & supported in order to give love.
In addition to teaching classes I also offer a safe social networking space & various social events.
Mother Nurture workshops enable you to step into your own space take time back for some self care & relaxation with creative & wellbeing events that you are more than welcome to join!
Zen Babies
Join us for informal meet ups & woodland walks, make new friends whilst breathing in the fresh air, rebalance & refresh yourself & enjoy all that nature has to offer to you and your baby.
The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The women existed, but the mother, never.
A mother is something absolutely new.
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh